Communism uses collectivism ideas (forcing people to plant something for example)
Ukraine was forced to starve even though there war enough food
Armenian Genocide and Ukrainian Starvation Genocide
Threw bodies (in the hundreds) into graveyards without burying them
Lied about Genocide and the West knew but did nothing
In some villages, everyone died by famine
Operation Kehall
Took away everything the people owned
Deprived people of votes
Would kill or imprision anyone who took a few wheat stalks
Kept raising grain quotas despite starving people
Nothing to eat by December 1933 (Ukraine)
Most kids died in starvation
While Ukrainians starved, USSR was constantly exporting
Strong Kids were shown propaganda
Robbed people of their gold and such
Killed and imprisoned writers
1 million people were killed in 60 days
Murdered the Tsars and the 'Whites"
100m+ killed worldwide since 1917