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AFTER THE RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH, WHAT HORRORS AWAIT THIS PLANET WHEN THE PROPHESIED SEVEN YEAR TRIBULATION BEGINS IN ALL ITS GORY DETAIL? Do Christians need to be concerned for themselves, will it be too late for people to turn to the Messiah, will there be any way out of this horrible timeframe when God pours out His unmitigated wrath, how will the antichrist deceive so many people and take over the world, and are there any signs that this period described by Jesus as the worst time in the history of mankind is actually fast approaching? All these questions and more will be answered in our documentary titled, "The Seals: A Panoramic View of the First Half of the Seven Year Tribulation." Buckle your seatbelts, hold on to your hats, and get ready for the journey of your life! No other video series takes you on such an in-depth, amazing thrill ride through the first half of the Seven Year Tribulation. You will explore the original language, examine historical customs and mannerisms, and get even more excited about the Lord’s soon return. Get it today and warn as many as you can before it’s too late!