Then they have nothing to worry about and should stop censoring videos. Let the dumbasses speak and everyone see them for the fraud they are. Worked before without censorship, will work after. Censorship will just prove them right in the eyes of their followers.
Just a heads up, I haven't seen Pizzagate refuted, and I'm probably not going to trust it from mainstream media after lying to us for years, being involved in so much criminal shit, and then censoring people right when their ratings began to tank.
Cuz to me, Pizzagate will never be truly refuted. Epstein Island was evidence that some of it will always be true, and I'll never really let it go, because I know they want us to forget it. The fact they keep trying to censor people over it means they can't win.
They allow videos that have "incited violence" because it agrees with their narrative. So the fact one guy shot up a building doesn't deter me.
If you're going to have problems with me posting about Pizzagate, you're gonna have a bad time on a lot of my memes.