Attacking a person's character does not make him wrong. Especially his past character. Especially when you find out that he's just assembling the data from a dozen or so researchers. He has more than enough evidence to completely shut down all of the voter fraud machine companies.
And I say good riddance to all of them. The most important place for honesty is in our voting process. If there is any question that fraud exists it MUST be taken seriously.
As much as I wish Lindell the best in his lawsuit he is fighting the trillions of dollars that is behind this voter fraud. All the rich, powerful and greedy Democrats along with China, Ukraine, George Soros, the UN and the World Economic Forum are all on the opposition. They have an agenda to promote and they are not about to let the truth get in the way.
The same corrupt cabal who appointed their stooge to be president are the one who Lindell has to fight. They have the money, resources, politicians and judges to squash the truth.
So you can feel all warm and fuzzy inside that the truth will NOT prevail and the dumbest man to have ever sat in the Oval Office will remain in office. Biden is not a leader, he never was. Biden is a puppet. He is just the mouth piece for this international cabal of socialists who need to have the world under its control by 2030.