@MichaelStJohn231, if you added up the covid death percentages of a few nations you'll find covid is nothing to worry about. The road deaths of 1,187 in 2019 is 0.0047% of Australia's population. Total covid deaths in Australia is 0.0036% of Australia's population. Sweden which has avoided lockdown so far has 13788 covid deaths which is 0.13% of Sweden's 10.2 million population. The UK which counts a covid death as someone who dies from covid even a month after gettinf diagnosed with it, has 127k covid deaths which is only 0.18% of UK's estimated 68 million population. Are you really too afraid to live in a world where you have around only a 0.1% or 0.2% chance of dying from covid every year and that's only if you're older than the average age, if you're young it's a lot lower than even that.