Well, I had to scroll down quite a ways to get to anything that could be described as accomplishments. Before that, all I saw was info about the election, the transition period, the inaugural address, his administration, and his cabinet. Only then was there anything that could be described as an accomplishment (starting with the part about Health Care.)
I think to be fair, what's there is a bit weak to be considered accomplishments. If that same bar were to be applied to what Trump did in his first few months in office, I think it could be fairly said that he had a lot of accomplishments, too. I suspect you wouldn't call anything Trump did an accomplishment. (at least not in a positive way!)
But to me, signing EO's and creating rules and regulations aren't really accomplishments.
I was more interested in what YOU considered his accomplishments to be. I'm not trying to be critical, but it sure seems like posting a link is a way to not have to speak your own mind and express your own ideas. I see it here in politicsTOO, and of course, over in politics as well. I guess the art of conversation is greatly diminished in the age of instant information available through a link (even tho it requires work on the person receiving the info to find it!)