xbox excectutive: lets name our fist console the xbox . itts a no brainer. xbox executive2: so our second console is the xbox 2? xbox excectutive: no its the 360. xbox excutive2: so our 3rd one is the 361? xbox excectuive: NO its the xbox one! then we make 2 seprate more powerful consoles and weel call em the xbox one s and x! THEN WELL GET RID OF THE ONE AND HAVE THE XBOX s and x!
xbox exsecutive 2: are you on drugs mate?
I literally logged on today, checked the gaming stream, and saw this meme as #1. I've never been on the 1st page of any stream so THANKS EVERYONE FOR THE SUPPORT!
Just in case everyones confused, the 360 was meant to represent 360 degrees of entertainment, the One is meant to be an all in one entertainment device, and the series s and x are from the initials of the one s and x