The nuclear program was nothing more than a front for nuclear weapons. It's expensive, not green, and Fukushima was not a only because of a tsunami. Geologists had advised that the seawall was not high enough. MONEY, was the only reason it was not made high enough to stop a disaster. Also, if nuclear energy was so fantastic, clean and economical, why is German getting rid of all their nuclear power plants? Maybe it's because the Germans are not a practical, highly technical, and fiscally conservative people. No, wait, they are and they've rejected nuclear power. So have the Japanese. Japan thinks nuclear power is dangerous. You can have all the faith in nuclear power you want. Because that's all it is, like religion, it's all about faith and trust. I don't trust governments or corporations to do the right thing. They almost always sacrifice safety if it's not cost effective. That's how capitalism works. Profits first, safety second......