and i quote "Liberalism has also succeeded, tragically, in convincing blacks to see themselves first and foremost as victims. Today there is no greater impediment to black advancement than the self-pitying mindset that permeates black culture. White liberals think they are helping blacks by romanticizing miscreants. And black liberals are all to happy to hustle from guilty whites. The result, manifest in everything from a black studies programs to black media to black politics, is an obsession with racial slights real or imagined."
The paragraph was taken from the book titled "Please Stop Helping Us" by Jason L. Riley, who, by the way, is black.
I would also like to add that colleges that lower their standards to black people can get into school is hurting the black community further. People who are let in simply because they are black and not because they have good grades or meet the original qualifications cannot keep up in school because even though the school lowered the standards, the did not lower their level of education. As a result, many black people have dropped out of college with shattered confidence. Treating black people like they need help is to assume they need help in the first place, which, in itself is racist. I am not saying that we shouldn't help those who need it, I am saying that it only hurts the black community to force help upon those who don't need it.
another quote from the same book: "...liberalism remains much more interested in making excuses for blacks than reevaluating efforts to help them."