Umm. The church of Satan are actually a pretty nice bunch. They campaign for equal rights, freedom and charity. They describe themselves as skeptical atheists, and very few of them actually worship Satan.
Yes, we support gay marriage because it's just sensible. I want you to give me a good argument against gay marriage if you oppose it. Same for Transgenders.
We support decriminalizing drugs because both Switzerland and Portugal had drug crises and solved them not with hardline policies like mandatory minimums, but by decriminalizing drugs and offering free rehab. So why not use that here?
Abortion is very simply bodily autonomy. Freedom. Most abortions(80-85%) happen within the first trimester, when it is still an embryo. An Embryo is very simply a clump of cells. Abortions that happen later are almost entirely involving rape victims, teenage pregnancies, victims of pedophilia and instances where the mother's life is actually in serious danger.