How could you post this?!?!?? I thought you were based! I thought you were my little pogchamp. But it turns out... that you...... That you were CRINGE. I cannot believe how cringe that post was. When it came up on my feed I visibly gagged. I had no idea which of my friends would post such cringe, and I instantly knew that I would have to unfollow them. Then, when I looked up at the handle of the poster.... I saw that it was you. Why would you do this to me? Why? I really loved you, but now it must end. I never realized how cringe you were. I don't think that this relationship can last. I can't possibly let you be my little pogchamp any longer if you're this cringe. I'm not sorry. You brought this upon yourself. If you hadn't made that post, I never would have realized that you were cringe. But maybe it's for the better. At least now I can sleep comfortably at night, knowing that I have left such a cringe person and that they are no longer in my life. At least now I don't have to worry about anyone finding out that I was once more than friends with someone who was cringe. I really did used to love you, but the second I saw your post everything I used to feel was gone. I hope that you can redeem yourself after this- but I will be long gone by the time you do. I will always remember you as the man who betrayed my feelings by posting cringe. I really do wish you well. Please get based. Get some hoes please. Sincerely, the ex-love of your life.