Uh ... let me see ...
1) Pandemic ...
2) Think of it -- Frogs covering LITERALLY EVERY INCH of the country.
- Frogs ALL OVER the floor
- Frogs all over your kitchen table
- Frogs all over your bed
- Frogs all over every chair
- Frogs on all of your plates
- Frogs in your food bowls
- Frogs on any loaf of bread
- Frogs in any uncovered bowl where you have put vegetables
- Frogs in any uncovered bowl where you have put fruits
- Frogs in any uncovered bowl where you have put grain
- Frogs all over the fields
- Frogs all over pathways people and animals use
- Frogs all over any carts
- Frogs in any storage bags
- Frogs on any clothes on shelves
- Frogs on any shelves
- Frogs all around any animals such as goats, sheep, cows, scaring them, annoying them, etc.
- Frogs all over any food troughs where you put food for the animals
- Frogs all over the floors, chairs, etc., in the local temple where you go to offer sacrifices
- Frogs all over wherever you work (the pyramids were built about 1,000 years earlier)
- Frogs all over every tool, etc., that you use in your work
4) YOU have to CLEAN UP AFTER THEM ...