1. Several
2. I've self harmed others for them
3. Coca Cola, please
4. Many anyones
5. See question 3
6. The human race
7. Controlled substances
8. Still doing it
9. See question 7
10. Laughing at humans
11. Not a fan
12. Infancy
13. Rage
14. Proportional to weight
15. One a year
16. Original
17. Black
18. Freedom
19. No thanks. Prefer Drakkar
20. Many actually
21. Kiss is alright. Never heard hug.
22. Hellvis
23. Pull Me Under
24. Classified
25. Humans
26. Oblivion
27. Knives are good for that.
28. You mean like carbon?
29. Letting my enemies live.
30. Human anatomy
31. Anyone, but then I have to kill them.
32. Do you mean on purpose?
33. Didn't she kill Cobain?
34. Take a number.
35. My answers speak for themselves.