I think the problem is that Gen-Y (Millennials) and Gen-Z, the generations that began to lack real socialization - relying on social media for social interaction which disconnects personal consequence from bad behavior. Gen-X learned responsibility and consequence, and learned to value personal achievement, while Gen-Y and Gen-Z were shielded from it.
They make a mistake on social media, so they create new accounts and pretend to be someone completely different. Their sports team loses - no big deal, they're getting a trophy anyway.....no reason to try harder if you're getting a trophy anyway. These are the fools who are rioting for socialism because they want their participation trophy at the expense of people who actually worked for it.
They failed to study history, or were not actually taught it because it might hurt their fragile feelz. If they knew it, they would understand the consequences of government involvement in production and distribution. They would know why socialist countries see mass starvation and why their farm and livestock production plummets.
End rant.