After studying biology, it’s pretty clear that we have some sort of design in us. And do you know that Richard Dawkins admitted there was design all over biology?
Chemistry is even better. Do you know that the nitrogen and oxygen in our air happen to be the only elements that can 1) provide us air to breathe [oxygen], 2) protect us from the sun’s most dangerous rays [oxygen breaks down x-rays and nitrogen breaks down gamma rays] and 3) nitrogen doesn’t do anything to humans or animals, and it doesn’t react with oxygen. It’s like our air is designed for life to survive.
So thinking of the foundation of the earth, we have a perfect environment for life, and then the life is complicatedly built. DNA has to be built a specific way for life to even work. And it’s not the only thing that is vital for life. So we got lucky in that the planet is perfect for life, and then lucky again that life even showed up? And keep in mind I’m being extremely simple here.