OlympianProduct is lying. Most corrupt people in positions of authority lie. He chose Putin as his avatar. Come on man.
truth is....
OlympianProduct asked me in private to help him harass Kamikaze and told me not to tell.
He just mad because I’m telling the truth and won’t cover for him no more
Did you not notice that OlympianProduct wanted to be my VP? I will show you the screenshots later when he not around as proof of all this. He’s not even a global mod. Just a community mod who likes to troll Kamikaze with gross pictures of Kylie Minogue and Swastikas
My old account is here if you need proof Hit me up there and I will tell you. OlympianProduct has no power there. I can prove to you in was Timber1972
you are smart enough to know the truth bruh
Self-deleting because OlympianProduct is trying to silence me to cover up the truth
-Sincerely, Envoy