legion or another one of those guys is pretending to be timber, and they are saying they are teaming up with wn to impeach beez so they can take over the stream, but in reality they're just saying that so we won't impeach beez.
abuse of power, censoring images that fell under the mudslinging rule. the images removed by wn are fine as he is currently banned, but images by richards were removed for no reason.
took down some images that where within TOS and mudsling rule but said something against him and his goons. Some where wn but he is banned. but the rest where richard and imaginestudio. also banned two people as soon as he won, one of those people where wn and the other person was richard.
and also wn had an image that wasnt breaking tos and he took it down. but thats not the problem. He took the image down and left a disgusting comment saying to killhimself and a couple of slurs