How to make mobile games then; How to make mobile games now; -CoPy ThE sAmE gAmEsTyLe As OtHeR gAmEs
-fAiL tHe EaSiEsT oF tAsKs AnD cLaIm tHaT iT's ImPoSsIbLe WhIlE aDdInG eMoJiS
-ShOW sTuFf ThAt HaS nOtHiNg To Do WiTh ThE aCtUaL gAmE
-FoRcE pEoPlE tO uSe MoNeY tO bUy StUfF sO yOu DoN't hAvE tO sPeNd TiMe PlAyInG tHe GaMe; -Have a cool animation
-Have a unique playstyle
-Show actual gameplay
-Present other cool things about the game