The rules for the characters..
-Must be a canine-like (doggo preferred)
-Eyes must look like (y'know just the pupil and iris)
-Jaw line is sometimes jagged
-Must have two of the following markings:
[Upside down cross], 666, [reverse pentagram], [have only three legs], [horns*]
-Only has one tail (any kind of tail really, bobbed to fluff)
-At least one ear must be upright (most Devil Hounds have pointy ears)
**-Only male or NB have horns (still an optional)
-Feral or anthro
-must have a collar option
-No specific pattern
-(if anthro) Must be 6'2 or taller, average is 7'1 {I have yet to translate that into cm}
-No extra body fat (must be skinny and/or muscular)
-Scars are optional and encouraged, as well as claws or talons
-Some make have [back] spikes
-No wings (stubs/broken may be allowed), hair Tufts/braids/mohawk/etc.
-Broken or cracked halos are an optional
-Must have 3+ fur colors
-Names must match fur colors or somewhat match. If the name isn't really an object, this rule doesn't matter (for example: Match- Red, orange, yellow, brown; Gasoline- Aquas, greens, purples, blues, cyans, etc.)
I'll post the usual behavior below