I'm not "Defending" anyone sweetheart. I'm just pointing at that hate=hate
You hate them. They hate you. Then you get mad when they're offended. It's really your fault. And yes it is immature of you. By the entire American, Canadian, African, and Asian majority and political standard it is immature to talk trash and cyberbully people on the internet.
Whereas those same standards don't even care that furries exist cuz "So what if he's weird and likes to play Halloween every day? Nobody ever killed themself because tom wore a mascot suit"
Not only are you immature but widely frowned upon for your role in hurting others. You play the bad guy and try to pretend we're the bad ones. You're like a racist who has no real stats or hard evidence to back up his claims. But I do. People who whenever someone says they're offended say "Good" and bully that person for defending themself. That's repetitive cyberbullying and has been shown to lead to suicide in those not capable of understanding. Kids often times. Maybe nobody has ever killed themself over your words but they sure don't need to hear it and it's definitely detrimental to our comfort in our own skin. I personally am not offended by you or your toxicity but I do see it necessary to inform you that you are also immature and idiotic for the way you behave.