everywhere at the end of time; an empty bliss beyond this world; dementia; Leyland Kirby; samples; song titles add to the story; the last 5 minutes; Ivan Seal; stage 6 is the back of a canvas; reused songs; dementia affects more than just memory; the shining; William Utermohlen; v/vm; Benjamin Libet; Alzheimer's; the stranger; clear music in stage 4; the names of the paintings; patience is a soundtrack to a documentary; sample of ending hasn't been found yet; synapse retrogenesis is real; old songs reused in the post awareness stages; alternate version of everywhere, an empty bliss; knowing the songs used in the post awareness stages; the caretaker was always about memory, but only recently about dementia; William Utermohlen's final self portrait was made in 2000, but he died in 2007; eptitranxisticemestionscers means something; necrotomigaud means something; fatcat split series #1; the stage 5 cover depicts the stairway to the stars; the cause of Alzheimer's and other types of dementia is answered in everywhere at the end of time; persistent repetition of phrases cover is another piece of the stage 6 canvas; giltsholder depicts a real woman; the cover for deleted scenes forgotten dreams is a picture of Leyland Kirby; EVERYWHERE AT THE END OF TIME RULE 34 ACTUALLY EXISTS; the album is actually about Alois Alzheimer discovering dementia; Leyland Kirby made the last 5 minutes himself