No, I have not. But at least my over generalization is based on fact. The general attitude among the Democrats is that they are the intellectuals, the most sophisticated, the most compassionate, the most tolerant. If not every single Democrat has that attitude but it is a prevailing attitude that many have. Including those in my family. I see it in movies and TV shows. The conservative is portrayed as the racist far too many times while the liberal is always the good guy, the one who saves the town, state or country from an evil power hungry conservative.
Christians get much worse treatment. Every Christian is portrayed as a psycho killer, a sexual deviant or a power hungry guy who seeks to control a person or persons. It is extremely rare to every see anything different. The TV show Blue Bloods on CBS is about the only exception to the rule. A very common trope is TV and movies is two people talking, one asks the other if they believe in God or something like that and the other always replies no and then gives a reason why believe in God is a ridiculous and feeble minded thing to do. Which is odd considering 75% of this country calls themselves Christian. However, minorities in much smaller percentages of the population are over represented because they are favored and privileged by the left. Even Muslims get a positive treatment yet Sharia stands in direct opposition to everything the left claims to support. While the stories presented in the Old Testament that are not supported or practiced by Jews or Christians today and haven't been for centuries are thrown in our faces all of the time.
In speaking with many Democrats online, I have been called all sorts of disparaging names that indicated that I was a racist, an idiot, a neanderthal and a dozen other things. However, online everyone is a lot braver and less cordial with each other. So that may not be a far assessment because there is so many horrible things that people will say to each other under a cover of anonymity. People tend to forget they are talking to another human being.