3 Several conservatives have lost their jobs because of politics. The most famous one recently was Gina Carano.
4 What she actually said was that she said the hatred the left has towards conservatives is like the hatred the Nazi's had for Jews. She never said, as far as I know, that liberals were Nazi's.
Before Carano said what she said, the main star of The Mandalorian, Pedro Pascal, actually came right out and called conservatives, Nazis. Disney did absolutely nothing to him.
But let me take what Carano said several steps forward. Do an internet search for the Nazi Party platform. Read it and when you read it replace "German" or "Germany" with "American" or "The US" and tell me how much you disagree with.
The reason is because the Democrat party is the Socialist party. Nazis were National Socialists. Back in the early 20th century the American Nazi party put out a newspaper that they named "Social Justice". Social Justice to Nazis means the exact same thing that it means to the left today. The only difference is that the Democrat party has added to it. At the root is Karl Marx's hatred of Capitalism. It is the oppressed/oppressor scenario that Marx started. What the left has added more recently is the white vs everyone who isn't white, Christian vs gay, toxic masculinity vs feminism. Christians vs women who want to have an abortion. If you condense it down to its base it is what BLM has on their website. It is an opposition to Western civilization, which the global Socialists and Communists blame for everything wrong with the world.
In all cases it thrives on division and not unity. That is why the right laughed at Biden when he called for unity. Unity to the left means conformity.
When I compare Nazis to Democrats, I am not saying that you are all out to kill the Jews. I am saying that as far as the type of government the Dems are creating there isn't much difference between that government and the type of government that Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Mao, the Kim family in North Korea, Chavez and Maduro in Venezuela and Castro all had or have.
Which completely explains why the Democrats have so much hate in them. They do not tolerate any type of dissent. They do not tolerate the freedom of the individual. They do not tolerate human rights.
If you do not believe just wait for it. The global Socialists will be making their play for a global government some time between now and 2030.