Well, I'd imagine you believe that women are the ones 'oppressed', thus you put their agenda above improving mens' situation in society - That would make you a female supremacist, which makes you no ally to men. Feminists care about men about as much as KKK members care about minorities. But, since feminism and delusional thought go hand-in-hand, I do not expect your mental defenses will allow you to interpret anything for what it actually is, largely because that would likely reveal how horrible of a person you really are in the name of your cult.
That said, if you truly believe you are an 'exception to the rule' (and, yes: These assumptions about people who identify as 'feminists' are well-earned), I'd suggest distancing yourself from that toxic cult and finding a better term to describe who/what you are, because feminism is synonymous with female supremacy - Don't wear the badge and be surprised when people associate you with what the badge represents (not unlike a KKK member wearing his hood and being surprised when minorities he/she interacts with are not exactly warm and bubbly towards him/her)...