You are probably correct. I was trying to say (minus typos from going fast and being a poor typist) that there are more than 100,000,000 sickened worldwide about 2,000,000 have died. That's 2% in my opinion. However, it appears we have the most cases. That is because we are relatively honest and more thorough testers overall. I am sure that there were many more cases worldwide that were not diagnosed —here and all over the world. I estimate 300,000,000, but that is merely a number that I cannot prove. The Chi-Coms falsify records as do the Russkies and other communist or totalitarian regimes to look as though they are doing a better job medically than we arrogant Americans. Yesterday I thought it was 0.0015. Today I think it is about 0.0067. Most everyone, sadly, gets sick in their life. But I still believe the morbidity rate for this illness is miniscule. We are brainwashed by the faux-scientists, media, politicians into believing that we must lockdown the world, when in reality we should inoculate those who want to be inoculated and inform who are in dangers and to the rest the possibility of getting this type of flu. Thank you, for your corrections and giving me a moment of your time to pontificate. —V