I. Am. Not. You're. Friend. You Legitimately scare me. After what happened with my sister, I thought I could move on. But I cannot move on from the actions are you committed. You are not my friend. You are not my ally.I would not even consider you my comrade. Do you know what you are to me? Dead. Dead to me from this moment forward. Dont Talk to Me. Don't make comments about me. Don't even use my OCs. I cannot get any sleep after what I had to see Yesterday. I'm going to talk to the owners again about banning you from the stream. Mega was right. Never Put your trust in A pedophile. You committed horrific actions not only with me but with Other People. I Will not allow you for the final time to worm your way out of this one. You have lost my trust, My Faith, And All hope that you can change. But you don't. Im Ending this friendship now. Where we even friends in the first place, Or Were you just using me to virtually get into my OCs pants. I don't want to see your face again. I F**king mean it. I told multiple people including spire, Your actions and you scared even him. You are 18 Hogan. Grow up.