Honey, his response has nothing to do with you personally.
This is simple ignorance, not ignorance as in stupid, ignorance as in he just doesn’t know differently.
Why is that?
He, like all of us, only knows what hes been taught. It’s a conditioned response that was taught to him by religion (religion is so often the hate fueled anti-christ) or his parents or any other number of reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with you.
He probably loves “you,” what he doesn’t like is is ideas, thoughts and opinions about what he thinks gay means.
He’s attached to ideas, opinions and beliefs that aren’t even his, they were passed down by others to him.
He doesn’t even know why he thinks what he thinks about it I’ll bet.
He just thinks that.
Ask him what makes his views, beliefs or opinions right and then ask, what makes the people that told him that right?
Ask what gives his thoughts, opinions and beliefs authority over his very own heart?
Ask why do you seem to value your ideas and beliefs, thoughts in your head over the real life me who is your child?
He may be left speechless.
He may become angry, defensive and resistant that your challenging his beliefs and opinions, and lemme tell ya, no one defends things more strongly than things they know aren’t true.
Just know that it is NOT PERSONAL.
It’s NOT YOU honey.
It’s him. He hates his ideas and thoughts about you, not the actual you.
Bless you.