1. 1-Ups are banned
2. With the exception of the required sentinel crystal, sentinel crystals are banned. The mandatory one will be used for health, leaving you stuck at 50 armor and 125 health.
3. Runes Equipment Fiend and Chrono Strike are banned.
4. Praetor upgrades in fundamentals and exploration are fully allowed.
5. Everything is allowed in environment except for the one that makes it so barrels drop ammo.
6. Everything is allowed for frag grenade except the double frag grenade.
7. Ice Bomb is banned.
8. Slayer Gates are required. (Secret Encounters are not, they are optional).
9. Glitches are banned.
10. Ballista is banned.
11. Sticky Bombs for the Combat Shotgun are banned.
12. Precision Bolt is banned.
13. Primary Charger upgrade for Micro Missiles are banned.
14. Both Microwave Beam and Heat Blast for the Plasma Rifle are banned.
15. Lock-On rockets are banned.
16. Fast Hands upgrade for SSG is banned.
17. Energy Shield for Chaingun is banned.
18. BFG, Unmaykr, and Crucible are banned.
Brawler + prohibits the SSG.
Brawler UN allows the use of full armor and health sentinel crystals, but still none for ammo. It also allows the use of the double frag grenade upgrade.