but we don't feel the infinity years, it just passes by, like we didn't exist billions of years before we were born, all that time passed by in a snap. but will infinity pass by? that would break the laws of time. then infinity would be finite so how is it a snap? does the infinity eon timespan of which we are dead pass by in a milisecond, rendering it finite, or is it everlasting? are we forever bound in this parallel, staggering between the properties of existence, and being scattered across spacetime? or is there a god, or perhaps reincarnation where we forget our past life and start a new one, but if that's the case i would have possibly be on my infinityth life, but no, but if the number of lives i have gone through forever stretches backwars in time and "ends" shortly here is it still infinite? or is infinity briefly finite? or is there a god and our souls are transported to heaven or hell to spend the rest of our days in? but what if it gets old? what then? bored for all eternity? unable to die? or could we just have anything we want in heaven, a memory wipe, or possibly reincarnation? does anything lie beyond heaven? if god always was, was there nothing before him? if he is infinetly old then is time infinetly old but time and god stretches infinetly back in time and stops here so is it infinite, finite, or both? because certainly time is being measured but really, once you think about it, does infinity even exist? what mysteries lie beyond?