The gospel begins and ends with the character of God: God is just, loving, righteous, and absolutely holy. Humans are far from that: you and I have stolen things, we’ve lied, we’ve hated our own parents, and we’ve blasphemed God. God abhors our sin. Homosexuality is categorized as a sin.
So God, being a holy, pours His wrath upon the children of disobedience. But God is also merciful and rich in loving kindness, so God sent His Son, who although is equal to God, humbled Himself, becoming a man to live that life that we could never live, and He died the death that we deserve. Jesus the Son of God, died in the place of His people.
Nothing we do can every make God forgive our sins, only by God’s grace through His Son can anyone be saved, and whoever does believe in the gospel, and whoever sees their sin and hates it will be saved.
Because you don’t see homosexuality as a sin, then you don’t know what sin is, which means you don’t know why you need saving.