I’m not talking about history (though you’re not wrong there). I’m talking about now, which is an era of a choice between “tax and spend” or just “spend”.
Personally I think it’s better to not tax folks more than we do now. Again, this government is the most well-funded institution on earth, and our per-capita taxed wealth is easily high enough to fund decent welfare programs. If the Democrats can’t craft policy to effectively use the money they’ve got, why should they deserve more?
Better in my mind to keep Federal revenue the same, or preferably cut it slightly. We can do far more with far less. The bloated military and welfare budgets are killing us purely because of their inefficiencies.
I know this is more of a wishlist than actual policy suggestions, but I’m sick of people saying “we need more money!!” They already have the most money. Reform the system and quality of life will for us all will rise while needed funding falls dramatically. Neither party is prepared to do that right now.