Fake vaccine: The so-called (mRNA) “vaccine” does not conform to the legal definition of a vaccine. (It contains no viral antigens/proteins to stimulate production of antibodies and it does not disrupt transmission. It is an experimental genetic modification technology based on the RNA of the alleged virus and is more of a medical device than a drug.)
Fake pandemic: If not for the World Health Organization deliberately exaggerating the danger of the crisis by redefining the word “pandemic” in a way that eliminated the severity and high-mortality criteria and made it so that the seasonal flu could be classified as pandemic influenza, 2020 would not have been much different than any other year--just like the overall mortality rates.
Fake virus: The SARS-CoV-2 virus has never been properly isolated/purified, therefore, it has not been scientifically proven to cause disease or even exist.
Fake test: They can’t possibly make an accurate test for a virus until they properly genetically sequence it, and they can’t possibly properly genetically sequence it, nor determine if it causes disease (or even exists), until they properly isolate it first.