I love your enthusiasm for it and the depth of your knowledge. All that is true, but the story is moved forward in a series of jerky beats that come off as less motivated because the writers didn't figure out how to underpin them. The Fall of Anakin is there, potentially in its true and most tragic form, but story-telling-wise, the movie falls short (for me).
Just for a moment, imagine a different sort of Phantom Edit, where Anakin is 12 or 13 in Episode 1, where instead of being a button-nosed midichlorian wonderkind (and how AWFUL was it that they decided for that movie to make Jedi potential something you could test with a blood test?), he was already showing Jedi powers, strongly motivated by his passion for justice, not always wisely. That way, instead of there being a dry rule that needs exposition ("You know he's too old because . . .") we would see both his potential and the risk he represents, as he genuinely wants to help the stranded Jedi but does something destructive in the process.
With that groundwork, they wouldn't have to yank so hard in the later movies, and always with the Tell, Tell, Tell. But what we have is what we have, Binks, "I hate sand" and all.