Pro tip: when I quote a lying, left wing media, liars (but I repeat myself) I'm not using 2 weeks or 7 years as evidence. I'm exposing their bullshit.
It's not 2 weeks, that's not have SARS works. It's not seven years, that's not how pandemics work.
I'm simply exposing their lack of integrity. Since the bullshit about covid-19 changes every week, the Gov't keeps grabbing more power over its citizens (subjects?) and the corrupt liberal media keeps crying about 'ThE ScIeNcE!' (As if science changed every 48 hours and science somehow supported communist Gov't takeovers of lives and businesses.) There can be only one conclusion: Covid is the opportunity the left has been looking for to finally enact their 'Great Reset.'
If you're happy being locked down for the next few years until the communists have completely destroyed our county and way of life... good for you. I'm not your mother. I'm not telling you how to live. Otherwise shut your mouth and open your eyes and see how deep the rabbit hole goes.