Two people loved each other and got married
They had three daughters, the first got married and had no children, the second got married and had a daughter, and the third got married and had a son who turned out to be gay and got married.
The second daughter had another girl who later got married and had a daughter1 and a son2.
The son2 got married and had a (transgender or non-binary) child3. They3 got married and had a daughter4, who got married and got a daughter5, who also got married and had a daughter6, who ALSO got married and had a daughter7 and a son8, The final daughter7 got in a lesbian relationship with no kids while the final son8 had a straight relationship and had one boy9, the boy9 has no heirs or relationships as of the moment.
MEANWHILE on the other side of the family tree.
The daughter1 got married and had a son10, who got married and had two sons11,12. One son11 got married and had a boy13, the line ended there. The other son12 got married and had six daughters14,15,16,17,18,19. Three daughters15,16,18 had no children. One14 got married and had a single son20, the son20 had no children or relationships. One daughter19 had a lesbian relationship and had one girl21 who had no children or relationships.the last daughter17 had a son22 but no relationship. Son22 had a relationship and had a boy23. Boy23 had a relationship with two girls, and had a son24 from one and a daughter25 from the other. The son24 had no children. The girl25 got married and had three kids, two girls26,27 and a boy28. Boy28 and girl26 had a son29, who did not reproduce. Girl27 got married outside the family and had a daughter30, who got married and had a daughter31. Daughter31 had three children, a boy32, a girl33, and I am guessing a non-binary34. Non-binary34 got married to a girl and boy32 got married to a girl as well.
-no more children to add-