Don’t bother. The Democrats and their lapdog media have their minions like antithesis and VagabondSouffle convinced that red counties are just uneducated hillbillies who shouldn’t count for anything in this country. And they wonder why so many people are so pissed off.
Even if a person were to believe that Biden truly got 80 million votes, it doesn’t change the fact that Trump got 75 million. That’s more votes than Obama and Hillary ever got. That’s more than the entire population of Canada, and the majority of countries of Europe, including the UK, Spain, France, and Italy.
The Dems don’t have the majority in the Senate like the polls promised. Despite what they want to think, the Senate is still 50-50. Only in the event of a tie will the Dems have a majority vote...and the 50th Dem is Joe Manchin, who answers to heavily pro-Trump West Virginia.
Pelosi didn’t expand her majority in the House like polls showed either. Democrats are only 4 seats shy of losing the House. Democrats were blaming the “Squad” for their near loss until they found a scapegoat in Trump. Thing is, the “Squad” really is a top reason they nearly lost the House, but since the majority of Dems really share the same ideology as the “Squad” (but won’t admit it) they wanted to take the focus off of them so they can shove their Marxist agenda down our throats.