Also he does not have dementia. There is no real, solid rock hard evidence of that. People often forget what they are saying when they are speaking and pause when trying to remember. I do it, my dad does it, pretty much everyone I know does it sometimes! It's not unusual!
Also if you want to play that game I can go on and on about Trump.
1. The time he called Tim Cook the CEO of Apple, "Tim Apple."
2. The time asked reporters to look into the "oranges" of the Muller investigation. “I hope they now go and take a look at the oranges, the oranges of that investigation, the beginnings of that investigation."
3. The time he said 7-Eleven instead of 9/11.
4. The time he called Paradise, California "Pleasure"
5. The tie he thought his father was born in Germany (he was born in the Bronx. It was actually his grandfather who was born in Germany.)
6. Him forgetting words so he just makes them up like Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu which then becomes “Betanyahu,” big league becomes "bigly" anonymous becomes “enenamas” or "anenomynous," renovation=“renoversh,” missiles="mishiz," space capsule=“capsicle,” midterm elections="midtowm" and "midturn" elections, and he even said “Chrissus" instead of Christmas!
Actually while reading this article here: it says "In fact, Dr. Jackson did administer the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, a screening tool for dementia, and Trump passed. But while Trump bragged that this proved his superior intelligence, this 10-minute screening test, where one must identify a camel, draw a clock and repeat three numbers backwards, only ruled out full-blown dementia."