Lucario, I really don't think that's fair to you.
At nearly any point in someone's oc creation days, you're bound to find some artwork you really like, some art you really think suits your oc's, and your gonna use it. It happened to me. It happened to my friends. Some people on the stream did that kind of stuff too. But does that mean you should stop making oc's?
NO. Well, not until you grow out of oc creations or something.
We've all f**ked up somewhere, but does that mean we should stop doing something we love? NO. This is the equivalent of a famous chef retiring because he slightly overcooked one little ingredient, or a writer giving up because he wrote a sentence wrong. You have created amazing stories and shown pure f**king dedication to the things you love, you have still preserved a love for writing despite being away from one of the places you can show that love, you tried to keep The Mythic Wasteland alive and you still tried to bring us all back, even when we thought they were good memories of the past. You are one of my best friends on this website, and I don't think my characters would be the same without your input or how your style of writing and you're wonderful af factual side has seriously changed the way I even thought about a character, like how would this, or how would that work? So many things grew because of your determination and ((I've said this three times but still)) damn DEDICATION and LOVE for these things. I don't care if I have to reverse track your image to go to the damn artic to find you, go up to your door, and say "THIS ISN'T YOUR F**KING FAULT," to make you less hard on yourself.
Okay, I guess what I'm trying to say is your an amazing person in this community. You're the Appari of the oc community for crying out loud! The Mat-Pat! ((If Appari was a jackass or something, forget I compared you to him, cause your no jackass.)) A person like you is gonna leave the community because of something you and thousands of people did when they were ten. That's not fair to you, and if I have to go burn in hellfire to prove this to you, then look at me going down from the gate of heaven to the doors of hell. No, seriously, LOOK.
The next time you come online, I just want you to look at this long letter/rant/some third thing. You don't have to tell me what this letter meant to you. I just want you to read it.