There has been some confusion lately with some streams accusing other streams of copying their ideas, overstepping their authority, telling other streams to delete, etc. etc.
I used the analogy of every stream is its own country in the ImgFlip world to promote the concept that streams can’t tell other streams what to do as long as they comply with ImgFlip Terms of Service. “Copying ideas,” whether that’s what’s happening or not, isn’t generally against ImgFlip TOS. That is kind of what memeing is about, at a certain level. Taking ideas that are either original or were first had by someone else and reappropriating, rebooting, or remixing them.
A natural consequence of that analogy is that an ImgFlip United Nations could/should be established to help meme streams of a roleplay government-oriented nature discuss how to make ImgFlip a better place, peacefully resolve disputes, etc.
Whaddya think