Judges are human. They have goals and aspirations and political ideologies along with assets and human connections they've spent their lives building. And through these Judges have the capacity to be compromised. You refuse to acknowledge that. And because you can never break through that barrier you do not have the capacity to understand that leverage can be applied to get one's way.
Some, like leftist activist judges, are already on board and will use their power to ensure the Democrat parties interests are upheld.
Others who are a little more indifferent may need to be bribed.
Some, like people investigating Epstein leads, need to be threatened.
The Democrat party is very capable of orchestrating such arrangements. The result of decades of this has slowly enabled them to pull of the heist of the century without any meaningful backlash. But again my words fall of deaf ears as you do not have the capacity to contemplate Democrats doing things that are bad.