I am not willing to risk the side effects. I got the flu shot once and had horrible reactions and got really sick. I have not had one in 5 years and have not gotten sick. I heard about the reactions to this rushed vaccine and would not take a chance on it.
It's not really a matter of want it's like: Do you want to spare yourself and other people's lives or no? Refusing to get one may lead to your own or someone else's death.
The thing about the flu shot though it's that it's not an mRNA vaccine. mRNA vaccines are almost harmless and severely reduce the chance of getting sick VIA the vaccine. The way it does this is by creating only the identifiable part of the virus so that your antibodies can recognize it when they see the real thing but not get sick from the vaccine. In other words it's only creating a tiny piece of the virus. Usually only a protein capsid.