Socialism, like science, is a process and can be used for good, evil, and everything in between - often simultaneously. Socialism existed long before Marx who had many great ideas - and unfortunately some were corrupted into communism which is essentially the same as predatory capitalism. Both extremes are totalitarianism and inverted-totalitarianism.
Agreed. Small businesses MUST be maintained. Decentralize all things. Government, banks, Internet, etc. Also necessary: worker directed enterprises, aka worker cooperatives. Coops are among the best ways to democratize the workspace and effectively fight monopolies and centralized power.
Presently there's huge imbalance. Taxes stolen to pay for police and military to oppress people foreign and domestic while serving and protecting the ruling class. All police, military, and governments are socialist programs. Meanwhile they offer as little as possible to the people - or don't offer anything (ie. healthcare).
The best solution is minarchism, getting as close to voluntarism and an authentic free market as possible. Impossible, but a worthy goal to aim for.
Far more than in just thriller movies, conspiracies exist big time. And they make some disinfo stupid conspiracies to discredit the legit ones so people lump them all together without thinking. Regardless if you think all superhero movies are terrific or terrible - it's naive to stereotype and lump them all together. Every genre has it's standouts and nonsense. Sometimes you need to dig through mountains of shit to find the gold - and even then you need to be sure it's not fool's gold. That's work most people are too lazy and too stupid to do - plus most people have lives and responsibilities and don't have the time, energy, motivation, nor interest to invest.