Uhm the fact that you diss capitalism and study war are why you should not be leader. I have studied religion, politics, laws, physics, apologetics, Autism, hormonal disorders, and many other things to get to my level of intelligence and hold my own against worthless, violent people. People who want war or to disown capitalism and allowed government more power are idiots. Violence is not okay or a leadership quality and neither is dictatorship. If anyone should be leader it is Reaper_The_god_of_ games... I wont argue that I'm intelligent to advise the stream but to put me in a place of power would be idiotic as I am very much too sensitive and too defensive. Admit your flaws and back off. I could lead us with more work but right now I'm not in a state to lead this I will admit. You however are much to violent to represent us. Furries are supposed to be compassionate and accepting. You are niether of those things. If we took a vote I would not only destroy you in an election but I'd also be much more kind and accepting of newcomers and people who may not always agree than you have ever or probably will ever be. Acceptance and unity is what we need. The furries should be given freedom and be able to dispute and have disagreements without an uproar. I will not let someone like you burn this stream with toxicity just as people far too violent did with the LGBTQ. I will NOT be the "boss" and niether will you.