Hey! You! Listen. The claim video games cause violence, or depression is trash. For one, there are a lot of other causes for depression, and if you have or think you have depression, don't feel guilty. A lot of other people are in the same boat and it's not your fault. Furthermore, there are a lot of video games that teach people things other than "shoot and win." Rainbow Six teaches strategy, thinking quickly, and the importance of communication and teamwork. The same argument can be made for other shooters. Minecraft teaches how to treat animals (the neutral mobs will attack you if you hit them), and its educational mode can teach you about the elements, among other things. People may argue that many gaming communities are toxic and full of 40-year-old creeps. Yeah, there are some idiots in gaming, but there are some idiots that play sports. Does that mean you denounce all sports? No, you don't. Gaming should be treated with the same respect. It requires skill, and in (rare) cases, it can be a career. We know this is unlikely, but so is becoming a world-famous sports star. Are kids told to stop playing sports? No. Should kids be told to stop gaming? No.