Trying to pretend you have some sort of high ground as an apolitical true independent. I suspect were i to be praising Bid-On you'd be heaping praises upon me. BUT YOU KNOW its very hard to stand by BidOn on anything besides I HATE TRUMP. In terms of BId-On i would agree with you....hes arguably one most corrupt career partisan politicians in history. HOWEVER trump is certainly and obviously capable of being the highest bidder.....But he WON with hard work ground game enthusiasm and love from his voters. TRUMP is the AntiPolitician, obviously why hated by them. Including many in the republican party. I dont blindly support any political party. Unlike you N YOUR PARTY. The DNC conspired against Bernie and their own voters not once but twice. BERBIE had true energy and enthusiasm behind him and a true movement . Wouldve been worthy opponent and downright scarey election. YALL WERE TREATED LIKE BABIES AND TOLD WHo VOTE FIR SO YOU DID like stooges. No energy at all behind BidOn. Yall are such LOYAL PARTISAN THOUGHTLESS TURDS YALL VOTED JUST AS YOU WERE INSTRUCTED. Our side is CONVICTED to a fault. Only reason wasnt landslide 2016 was cause RINOS N NEVER TRUMPERS. But he still won. THIS YEAR HE EARNED THE LANDSLIDE....WE ALL SAW IT ELECTION N8GHT....IT WAS COMING.....THEY KNEW BID ON WAS TOAST. SO STOPPED THE COUNT SWITCHED THE VOTES FROM TRUMP TO BID ON. NO HONOR I. FRAUDULENT VICTORY. YALL SUCK