Lyndon B Johnson. This was a man who walked around naked routinely, constantly used the n word when he was angry, and once said that black people (he used the n word) were getting uppity and that would be a problem if they had a pull to get involved in politics, so we need to quiet them down. I looked him up once for proof he said “I’ll have those n****rs voting democrat for 200 years,” and while I didn’t find direct proof he said it, considering the things we know he said, it’s likely he said it, and their “proof” to dismiss the witness is that his daughter denied saying a racist statement he said he heard her say.
And it appears the Civil Rights movement was more about manipulation than caring for blacks. They tried to credit him for doing it despite the risk of losing the south to the republicans, but he had this worry after the Civil Rights bill (which he constantly referred to as the n****rbill) was passed. That means he didn’t see that coming. This means a lot we know about him is a lie.