Well it's a disease, that gives what is more of a male, female attributes. So that is a bit awkward, but now tell me, how many people who identify as something that isn't male or female, actually have this condition. Or how many people with this condition don't identify as male or female. There is probably some. May I also add there are some other conditions like turner syndrome which is considered as XO, so if you really want to identify as something else, I'm not stopping you. I'm just saying that I use two genders which is simple science. Also if you wanted to say there is more than two genders at least only add the rare cases where there isn't simply an XX or XY chromosome. A lot of people just add whatever they please, which in my opinion is quite stupid, at least use some science. May I also add I'm not against LGBT necessarily, but I'm not with it either, I'm mainly trying to point out that some people don't believe in basic science. Also there is a set number of genders, not infinite. Hopefully that clarifies my view on this.