The boy who would become Erebus was born to common parents on the world of Colchis in the late 30th Millennium. Even at a young age he felt it was his purpose to manipulate, deceive, and sow discord among his fellows. He felt a thrill testing his own limits with such immoral acts, which as a boy first manifested in his teasing and torturing of Colchis' desert scorpions.
His parents often scolded him for his troublesome behaviour and lack of educational achievements like his peers, comparing him in particular to the boy who was the pride of his village -- a highly religious and studious child named Erebus.
Taking his parents' advice to be more like Erebus perhaps a little too literally, the boy strangled the more accomplished child with a garrote and replicated Erebus' facial tattoos. Taking Erebus;s identity for his own, the boy departed his village and became an aspiring priest of the Covenant of Colchis in the planetary capital city of Vharedesh.
Erebus cared little for his religious studies at first, but gradually began to appreciate their spiritual insights. One day he saw his face reflected into four parts within a cracked mirror, and he realised in that instant that the gods of the Covenant, who were actually the Ruinous Powers, had always been with him and guided his actions.
Erebus became a devout servant of Chaos thereafter, mastering the tenets of the Old Faith of Colchis which in had always simply been yet another of the myriad guises of Chaos worship. When the Covenant of Colchis fell to the control of Lorgar and his followers, Erebus went into hiding for a time before reemerging as an acolyte of the primarch's new direction for the faith.
When the Emperor arrived on Colchis Erebus was already well aware of His threat to the Chaos Gods as the being they named "the Anathema," and was the only mortal on Colchis not overcome by His glory and psychic aura. Instead, Erebus felt exhilaration at seeing the man he knew that he would one day bring low.
As a servant of Lorgar, Erebus was among the young Colchisians who was transformed into a Space Marine of the Imperial Heralds Legion in the first intake of native Colchisians shortly after. By the time Lorgar renamed the XVII Legion the Word Bearers, Erebus had already set into motion the Dark Gods' plans to stop the Emperor from initiating a new golden age for Humanity that would see their influence greatly diminished.
At the end of the Great Crusade, Erebus held the prestigious position of first