Did he? Your hypocrisy amazes me. The key difference between us is my moral compass works. If election fraud through dead voters, ballet harvesting, fake ballots and mail in fraud was a republican thing and not democrat policy, I would still raise hell and switch parties. One of the other key differences between us is I do look for the bad on my side and demand change. People that believe the ends justify the means are not winners. When the honeymoon ends and all the lefts groups demand their spoils and find out that they never really had any matching goals or agendas (except winning at all costs) they will rip themselves apart. I will be here to laugh and tell you all that you deserve every bit of it.
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If you can't prove fraud in court, then Biden won.
There are actually hundreds of sworn statements by people that admit their role in the fraud. More will make deals to avoid prison, this is only just starting.
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No, they're just ending. 41 lawsuits rejected and the last five or so are just being wrapped up having faired no better.
Lol, no these things drag on and on. No one expected justice in counties that have cheated through elections for years. Witnesses have sworn to crimes committed and named names, the election may or may not change but election fraud is very real and real people will go to prison.
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How? Every move Trump has made has been thrown out for lack of evidence. Nobody's being arrested for these frivolous lawsuits. Nobody's even proven that a crime has been committed. All the competent lawyers on Trump's side has said they've got nothing. The only ones still in this are the inept circus sideshows.
So far, several hundred witnesses have come forward. They have admitted to election fraud. Local courts refused to accept their evidence (another crime), it will keep climbing to higher and higher courts. This is just now starting to get good.
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The higher courts have ALREADY ruled that the lower courts ruled properly. Apparently, none of the witnesses had anything that could be proven.
Until now, local courts only had a few local people saying they were paid to cheat. We are now looking at hundreds of statements from all 50 states, that is evidence. This will end up in federal courts.
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Saying that it will doesn't count. If you don't get it done, the standing assumption is you can't prove jack.
YAAAA, hundreds of sworn statements that would totally prove fraud...but we totally can't look at them right now because.....They're hanging out with Obama's Kenyan birth certificate, Trump's tax returns, and Johseph Smith's golden plates. But they exist we sear, just keep donating to Trump's "legal fund" and we I'm sure they'll show up any day now......any day now..........any.....day....now.....
You played your hand, that is what you fear, that they are real. Witnesses came forth, you asked and now they are doing it. If they made it all up they will go to jail. Some might have but the other few hundred are telling what they know, who paid them and how they gamed the system. I know you do not care about justice or America but others do and they will stand with others that do. America will not fall to who ever owns biden or harris
I'm sorry could you repeat that? I was too busy listening to Bill Barr, you know Trump's professional enabler and yes man, acknowledging that they found no evidence of any sort of fraud at any sort of level that could change the out come of the election results.
But don't worry, sounds like Trump might be "running" again in 2024 so even though this grift is going to end soon, you'll still have a chance to donate your money to his "reelection campaign", and who knows maybe, if you're very very luck some of that money might actually go towards his campaign rather than strait to his pockets.
Investigations take time, you should be more concerned with how many so-called leaders of your party are demanding the investigations end before they even get a fair start.
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You DID get a fair start. You got a fair start in court. And the judges saw nothing that impressed them.
Fraud requires specific charges and proof and your lawyers didn't bring it. Audits and recounts verified the totals. What else do you think you get? You got a fair opportunity to present evidence that something was off AND THERE WASN'T ANY.
You want a delay to the presidency while you gather evidence that you pinky swearsies will be there? YOU CAN'T HAVE IT.
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Well of course we can. 73 million people (not being on board) is quite a problem. The Democrats simply timing so that an election could be stolen doesn't make it fly. Things like this are new ground and can be viewed by other countries as "instability". No senator or congressman wants that.
Concerned about ending investigation before they even give it a fair start? You mean like when trump was Impeached and the GOP rushed it through the process at record speed just so the other side couldn't call witnesses to disprove their "no collusion" chant?
Or when they held off a supreme court appointment for 9 months when Obama was in charge saying it would be disrespectful to America to appoint one during an election year, then when the exact same thing happened four years later they rushed an appointment through in less than 30 days?
You're right we are concerned about those so called party leaders doing that kind of shit.
Well he did get a lot of people killed this year because he was mad scientists knew more about COVID than he did, and he spent more time hiding in his bunker than any other president, and told so many obvious lies in his one and only term that fact checkers just gave up counting them all. So I guess those were...?accomplishments? you and red hat rinos literal communist allies in Russia can be ?proud? of?
That myth was busted, obama got people killed and that's a fact. You don't care who got killed unless it can be politically spun. You are the lowest form of slime.
Darn and you were doing so good before when you admitted you hated America now you've regressed back to self projection again. Looks like we'll have to start back at step one, don't worry even AA members fall off the wagon sometimes. Don't worry I'll still be here to coach you threw this.
Your childish attempts to anger me are a reflection of the deep guilt in your soul. Like all of your ilk you are damaged beyond repair. You deserve the bad karma that follows you.
*sigh* there's the projection again. You know, the biggest mistake people make is assuming the other person has the same motivation as themselves. Maybe one day you can figure out how to understand others and so you no longer have to assume everyone you meet is also a self hating, guilt ridden, Democracy despising, Anti-american, violence seeking, communist dictator worshiper. Don't worry, as long as your alive there is still time to seek professional help.