Also government provided healthcare, and any government provided service is always the least efficient or effective service. Look no further than the DMV. Look at Canada's healthcare system to see what I mean: Canadians pay $7,000 a year on average for "Free” healthcare. And in terms of wait times, I have to wait 3 months to find out whether I need a transplant, at which point if I do I have to wait somewhere from 6 months to a year to get it. THAT’s why everybody goes to the U.S. for treatment."
“Since Canada has a government controlled health system, they can decide who gets treatment and who doesn’t, even though we’re all paying for it. My father has been suffering for the past 30 years because our government deems him not worthy of the surgeries he should be getting. My dad has absolutely no say over his own health in Canada.”
Privatized healthcare is always better, because competition forces improvement or affordability.